Money – a poem

The idea of ‘money’ is a tantalising one. We don’t know exactly when it originated but now it has come to acquire its own place in our lives.

15 years ago, as a fresh graduate, I was wondering about the meaning of money in my life. They were the years, when I was still financially dependent and a decently paying job was high on the mind.

I never thought I would end up writing a poem.

As I look back this one and a half decade, I realise that my approach towards money has not changed. My values with regards to money are intact.

It was written at a young age so it might sound simplistic but I hope it resonates with you.


The sounds of coins tinkering
the rshshsh of notes;
It’s the medium of exchange
that’s what money denotes;

It’s the copper’s delight
the paper’s fancy;
Attracts them to everyone
with eyes glanci’;

Money is a miracle
it brings you fame;
The possession of it
makes your’s a ubiquitous name;

Money is a fodder
it brings to you goaders;
A plenty of them
always ready to tend;

Money gives you hope
raises your ability to cope;
Its absence makes you cry
weak, thin and wry;

Money has no parallel
some store it in barrels;
It is the measure of your laurels
And the root of all quarrels;

The essence of your pay packet
decides your tax bracket;
It is the rich’s dame
but the poor is in vain;

Money has its heads
Money has its tails;
It can’t bring you love
but it can bring you bail;

A nine day wonder
money is not everything;
But the fact remains
it is a sweet little thing;

Its M-O-N-E-Y……


Between you and me: What are your values with regards to money? Would love to read your thoughts in the comments.