“What gets measured, gets managed“, is a quote often attributed to the renowned management guru, Peter Drucker.
A slightly different version of it says “What gets measured gets done”.
I will let you pause here for a few moments and reflect on these words.
I am sure as executives, professionals and business persons who have to manage teams, projects, businesses and P&Ls, you have come to hold these words as a mantra.
In any of the roles, you work towards a certain goal – a definite reaching point that involves use of time, effort and resources. A goal sets everything in motion in a particular direction
Now the simple point is unless you measure, you will not know how far have you reached, what has been the result of the efforts and what corrective actions need to be taken so that you make the right progress towards the goal.
Makes sense?
Personal Financial Goals – what gets measured, gets done
But is that an approach you apply to your personal life as well, say your health, your financial goals and investments?