The date today is March 30, 2016. Normally, it is expected that by this time the tax savings for the year would be done and over.
However, the reality is very different. Based on the emails and comments I have received, it seems that some of us are still far from it, desperately searching for “last-minute tax saving tips”.
In this desperate attempt to “do something“, wrong investment products are being invested into which can make your portfolio suffer for a very long time.
Why wrong? Because they are not understood. The ultimate goal that will be served by those investments is not considered. There is only one thing driving the decision now – save tax.
Read more: 15 point checklist to save taxes smartly
Here is an example. Manish, a Chartered Accountant, works in the taxation department of an MNC. It is a well paying job. Though working for a few years now, he has not been able to save any money so far, for various reasons. This year he decided to put some money to work. He told his father about it who got him to meet his insurance agent.